Axel Widjojo

it's pronounced "wee-joe-yo"

Sydney, incoming.

After some consideration, me and Sarah have decided to move back to Sydney temporarily–“temporary” being three months long.

I’m still somewhat shocked at this decision that we’ve come to, but welcome to it with all its imperfection. Neither of the two choices available to us during this COVID-19 pandemic are ideal: stay isolated in Jakarta–one of the most densely populated cities in the world–while the resource-strapped government try to get a hold on the situation before the annual mudik season, or go to Sydney, where even though we’ll be forced into a two-week mandatory quarantine, it seems that we’ll be catching the tail end of the outbreak and thus have a chance to live some sort of decent family life during these troubling times.

It feels unreal.

I only pray that this is truly what God wants for us, and that His plans will be made clear when we’re there.