Axel Widjojo

it's pronounced "wee-joe-yo"

Jesse’s Birthday

It’s 11:00 pm right now, almost 24 hours before our flight to Sydney, and I’m sitting in the dark, just wondering what it is we’re flying into.

This is a trip we’ll have to make, for various reasons. We’ve hit upon a rough patch in our relationship the past six months and needed some time away from our daily routine. We also need to consult some doctors for our youngest child. The COVID-19 outbreak has also made Jakarta a questionable place to linger in–even when you have the luxury of self-isolating, especially since there’s the choice of waiting it out in Australia.

That said, I do wonder what God has in store for us there.

I left Australia with the hope of crafting a new life with my fiancee, and now I’m returning with my wife and three kids…again with a similar hope of crafting a new life with them.

Time will tell.

I took the above photograph at my son David’s classmate’s birthday party. Even though no one asked me, I’ve been attending some kids’ parties with my camera in tow, taking photos and sending the edited results to the parents about a week later.

It does get pretty challenging having to mind your own child, while also trying to photograph a party on your own. But it’s fun, and getting something like the above photograph is nice.

What sound could be sweeter than children enjoying themselves, right?