Axel Widjojo

it's pronounced "wee-joe-yo"


This January, my wife pushed me to also upgrade my phone to the same model as the one I bought her for Christmas: the iPhone 11 Pro. I modestly tried to resist, as I’ve been “upgrading” fairly frequently the past few years–from the iPhone 6 to the iPhone 7 Plus to the iPhone 8.

But, I ended up acquiescing. Not reluctantly: switching from the iPhone 8’s single 35mm (in 35mm film equivalent) to a 24mm, 35mm and 50mm? For a photographer, that’s super attractive.

Yet what really surprised me wasn’t so much the lenses–but more about the real gain in image quality. It was obvious to me the moment I took the first few pictures on the iPhone 11 Pro.

Yet, I never bothered to edit the photos outside whatever apps I use on the phone itself.

Until three days ago. The photo above of my good friend Felix was taken yesterday actually, and I decided to try editing it on Lightroom just today.

And goddamn. I could probably fool some people and say it was taken with a full-frame digital camera. Sure, post-processing does wonders–but I’d like to think that the above photo also shows just how far mobile phone photography has got.

No excuses in not taking more photos, now–as they say: the best camera is the one you have with you.